准备迎接“经济核冬天”? |
欧洲银行业正为“经济核冬天”(Nuclear Winter)做准备。“核冬天”意指核爆后气温骤降,套用经济上,即恐怕会发生“金融核爆”,从而令经济急速降温。 |
RQFII机构现新面孔 |
2016-09-05 |
来自国家外汇管理局的最新数据显示,8月,外管局共向两家新加坡资管机构批出共19.5亿元的RQFII额度,其中安本亚洲资产管理获得13亿,淡马锡全资控股的新加坡科技资产管理首获6.5亿。 |
2016-09-05 |
8月30日,美国私募股权投资公司KKR表示,两名亚洲团队成员将在今年年底离职,其中包括合伙人兼中国负责人刘海峰以及Julian Wolhardt。 |
2016-09-02 |
据路透社9月1日晚报道,中国金融监管机构已批准摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co)在上海经营独资资产管理公司摩根资产管理(上海)有限公司。
2016-09-02 |
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Head of Business Development and Marketing, FOFs |
2016-08-28 |
A global fund of hedge funds now is looking for a Head of Asian Business Development and Marketing to join their HK team. (Ref No.: CO-2632)
Wholesale Distribution Director,Mutual Fund |
2016-08-28 |
Out client, an asset management firm now is seeking a senior level candidate to join their distribution team to help business expanding in the region including Mainland China. (Ref No.:CO-2631)
Senior Product Manager, Multi-Asset |
2016-08-22 |
A global asset management firm now is looking for a seasoned professional to join their team and contribute on multi-asset business development in Asia Pacific region. (Ref No.:CO-2630) |